What a week!
What a week!
Monday morning and looking blankly at my PC. Where to start….my diary looked a mess with double bookings that needed to be sorted and quick. Had been waiting for an enquirer to call but didn’t and as I had pushed a few things back to allow for the call they have now become time critical. Hey ho….. stop procrastinating and get on with it! By 2pm everything had stabilised and the World didn’t seem too bad now. Had a call with a new prospect and discussed their new project and their vision. Also had to sort out my website as gremlins were happening and as I only know the basics, I wasn’t prepared to risk crashing the site just to help my ego. I decided to outsource it to another very capable Virtual Assistant who, within an hour, sorted the issues and advised what would be my next step – phew, not as bad as I thought!
At the back of my mind I still had to write some details for a talk I was giving on Thursday evening to a Personal Assistant network group about moretime PA’s journey! Time to hit the gym and put it off til tomorrow…
Tuesday morning was soon upon me and after sorting client work til early afternoon I was then at my daughter’s school for parent’s consultation afternoon (yes, not evening as it starts 2pm!) It was well worth attending though, as a glowing report from every teacher wanting her to take their subject for A level! Came away feeling mighty proud of her achievements. Offered to go out on the usual ‘you choose dinner venue’ as a way to congratulate her, as we have since my eldest daughter started school (15 years on) however, she decided on takeout! Nice, as still no cooking for me! But the gym was calling and I picked up takeout on my way home!
Wednesday arrived and decided to do the gym routine in the morning as knew it was going to be a hectic day. After attacking the client work and my own emails, that had gone crazy with potential work enquiries, I had to attend a hospital appointment with hubby for fluid on the knee! I knew if I didn’t go he’d act all brave and macho and tell the consultant everything is fine and dandy….I wasn’t wrong! However, I was there at the ready to actually tell the consultant how bad it’s been. MRI scan booked in for Friday afternoon – joy oh joy! All the time thinking, still not written one word for my talk tomorrow night!
6pm and off to attend a networking event with guest speaker Mark Dennison (Radio Nottingham DJ). Great event, I met a lady who has just started her business journey and after a 5 minute chat the host joined us and the lady called me ‘inspirational’ and how ‘empowering it was listening to me’…..wow! Not sure anyone has actually said that to my face before. They then both told me don’t worry about writing a speech just say what I had just said and I’ll smash it!!
Thursday morning and after completing client work I turned everything off and without any distractions started writing a timeline for my talk. Jeez! A lot has happened in the 2 years moretime PA has been on the planet! I’d forgotten things like how now one of my best clients I met 2 years ago but took them 1 year to realise that moretime PA was the perfect fit for them! Flashback to when I also met the lady who is hosting the event tonight and it was her first talk back then and on that first night we joked about one day it’ll be me standing up doing the same thing talking about moretime’s journey – funny how things happen! Looked at the clock and 12 flash cards later it was 3pm and time to get ready!
5pm & on the bus frantically reading through my cards..
6pm people start arriving and the food was amazing…thank you Park Plaza Nottingham!
6.30pm – showtime!!
8.30pm – just finished and what a rush….where did the time go?! I so enjoyed it, although an intimate group, very interactive and fun. Dead on my feet, so time to just curl up on the sofa and chill out.
Friday has finally arrived and after such a week thought I’d write and share my week frivolities just to highlight how varied and time juggling a Virtual Assistant’s life can be. Some things remain constant yet there are curve balls thrown at you which you just need to deal with, but it’s how you deal with them that will define you and your business.
Looking forward to Saturday for prom dress fittings, yikes!!!